Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers

These three exams are for young learners aged 6–12. They build learners’ confidence step by step and lay the foundations for future success in English. All our exams for young learners are fun, colorful and activity based, motivating children to learn.

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A2 Key and A2 Key for Schools

This qualification helps learners to develop basic English language skills. It’s the next step after our qualifications for young learners as the exam builds on the skills students have achieved at A2 Flyers. It’s also a good place for older students to start learning English too.

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B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools

This is an intermediate-level qualification which shows students have mastered the basics of English. It builds on the skills students have learned at A2 Level, providing learners with practical language skills for everyday use and improved fluency.

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B1 Preliminary (PET) and B1 Preliminary for Schools

This is an English Language Exam that shows that students have mastered the basics.  A B1 Preliminary  qualification shows that a student has mastered the basics of English and now has practical language skills for everyday use.

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B1 Preliminary (PET) 

Ky është një Provim të Gjuhës Angleze që tregon se studentët kanë përvetësuar bazat e kësaj gjuhe. Një kualifikim B1 Preliminary dëshmon se një student ka përvetësuar bazat e anglishtes dhe tani zotëron aftësi praktike të gjuhës për përdorim të përditshëm.

    Mëso më shumë

B2 First and B2 First for Schools

This qualification is a great way for learners to prepare for higher level exams, and shows they have the language skills needed to communicate confidently in an English-speaking environment or study on courses taught in English.

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B2 First (FCE) and B2 First for Schools

This our most popular exam, accepted by thousands of businesses and educational institutions worldwide.  A B2 First qualification proves you have the language skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking country or study on courses taught in English.

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Cambridge English: B2 First (FCE) 

Ky është provimi ynë më i popullarizuar, i pranuar nga mijëra biznese dhe institucione arsimore në mbarë botën. Një kualifikim B2 First dëshmon se zotëroni aftësitë gjuhësore për të jetuar dhe punuar në mënyrë të pavarur në një vend anglishtfolës ose për të ndjekur kurse të mësuara në anglisht.

    Mëso më shumë

C1 Advanced

This high-level qualification proves students are able to communicate effectively and express themselves with a high level of fluency. It also helps learners develop the skills to make the most of studying, working and living in English-speaking countries.

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C1 Advanced (CAE) 

This is an in-depth, high-level qualification that shows you have the language skills that employers and universities are looking for. More than 9,000 educational institutions, businesses and government departments around the world accept C1 Advanced as proof of high-level achievement in learning English. 

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C1 Advanced (CAE) 

Ky është një kualifikim i avancuar dhe i thelluar që dëshmon se zotëroni aftësitë gjuhësore që kërkohen nga punëdhënësit dhe universitetet. Më shumë se 9,000 institucione arsimore, biznese dhe departamente qeveritare në mbarë botën e pranojnë C1 Advanced si dëshmi të arritjeve të larta në mësimin e gjuhës angleze.  

    Mëso më shumë

C2 Proficiency

This is our highest level qualification and it shows the world your learners have mastered English to an exceptional level. It proves you can communicate with the fluency and sophistication of a highly competent English speaker. Preparing for and passing the exam means you have the level of English that’s needed to study or work in a very senior professional or academic environment, for example on a postgraduate or PhD program.

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